From community-building programs to scholarships, we’ve got your back.
Connect to affirming, empowering, and accessible mental health counseling.
You are not alone.
If you’re looking for affirming housing support, you’re in the right place.
Since our founding in 1984, SMYAL has provided LGBTQ+ with safe, affirming, and empowering spaces where they can be fully themselves. And while the needs of LGBTQ+ youth have evolved over the last four decades, SMYAL’s dynamic work to best support young people has also evolved to meet the moment.
Our services are made possible by the generous contributions of our community.
Help SMYAL continue to make a difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth.
Tickets are now on sale to join us at SMYAL’s Fall Brunch in celebration of our 40th Anniversary!
SMYAL’s premier supporter event, the annual Fall Brunch, includes a cocktail reception featuring a fabulous silent auction, a three-course brunch, and a chance to hear from some of our community’s most inspiring leaders.
Every year, the Fall Brunch brings together LGBTQ+ and allied community members, friends, and families in support of the inspirational youth SMYAL works with every day.
SMYAL supports and empowers LGBTQ+ youth. We actively work to create a world where queer and trans youth thrive through affirming programs and services designed to develop critical life skills, build community, and foster a sense of belonging.
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© 2021 SMYAL | 410 Calle 7 SE, Washington, DC 20003 | 202.546.5940 | [email protected] | Política de accesibilidad
SMYAL has supported and empowered LGBTQ+ youth for 40 years.