Quincy DuBois has been a fierce advocate for the LGBTQ community, even before he came out. Of all his work, Quincy says he holds his time spent with the GenOUT youth chorus closest to his heart. Through GenOUT, Quincy has sung at many community events including the internment of Matthew Shepard’s remains at the National Cathedral and the 2018 Walk to End HIV/AIDS, as well as in rural Tennessee churches and faith communities across the southeast. Outside of GenOUT, Quincy has spoken in front of his county’s school board numerous times to emphasize
the importance of trans-inclusive policies, affirming and non-heteronormative sex-ed courses, and facilities specifically designed with the needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming
youth in mind. For this work, he has been featured in the Washington Post and on the Kojo Nnamdi show.
Quincy says, “More than anything, I am honored that I have been able to connect with other young LGBT people. My closest friends are people I’ve met through activism, and I’ve had the opportunity to speak with young gay and transgender youth from all across the region, and be brought together through our common experiences. In the years since I’ve come out, my primary interaction with my community has been in forging relationships with other strong young people who share my struggles- and those who struggle in ways I don’t. I’ve been able to bridge gaps of class and race, encourage other folks to come out or become involved in activism, and most importantly, give support to people just like me.”